Why I Converted to Islam: My Convert/Revert Story and How I Found Islam

Monday, August 10, 2015

As-salamu alaykum everyone!
Today I uploaded a video on my youtube channel about why I decided to convert to Islam! I’ve been getting a lot of questions regarding this matter so I thought I would just address it in a video! But if you are someone who would rather read, then I also typed up my story down below!

Just to give you some background information, I come from the Philippines and for those who don’t know, Philippines is a predominantly catholic and its not that multicultural – definitely not like new Zealand by any means so growing up, Ive only known the catholic way and the Philippine tradition. Every single one of my friends and family were catholic and I went to catholic school – and we were just really catholic lol

I have always been a person that asked too many questions. I just like to know everything about everything and if im not given a logical answer, then im not convinced. As you can imagine, I was young and the biggest fault of adults in my opinion is that they undermine the mind of a young child. I went to a catholic school so we had Christian living education (CLE) as one of our subjects. We would learn about the bible in one lesson and then science in the other and the information was just so contradicting. Whenever I would ask my teacher why the bible says one thing but science says another, I would just get the standard “god works in mysterious ways” “trust in the lord” and just statements that don’t answer my questions. It drove me nuts!! It made me feel really different and out of place because here I was thirsting for answers but everyone around me looked so content and happy with what they were told. It made me feel angry in a lot of ways, like….why are these people blessed with the feeling of having faith and how they can put their total trust in their lord while I’m here questioning him. I kept asking questions and questions and questions to the point where the nuns and my teachers over the years all did this thing where they made me feel really bad “questioning the Lord”. So I stopped….and just did what I was told to do but I always had this emptiness inside of me.

When I was 12, we moved to New Zealand and it was a culture shock. I felt different in the Philippines and I still felt different in New Zealand but now,  I also looked different. It was a time when we as a family were struggling as well. Any migrant will understand – we were denied residency two times, everyone was fighting at home, we…were struggling with money so hard……..I don’t even want to get into it because I will literally cry if I even get started on what we went through during those years but yea……..basically life was crap and so I acted out and tried to fit in since I felt like I didn't belong anywhere. I gave up my morals and my pride. I became a doormat and I did things I didn’t want to do….and that’s not to excuse me for the stuff I did….I wish I stopped smoking and drinking because of moral reasons…but the truth is, I just hated the smell and taste! I don’t know how people can drink and smoke cigarettes!!! Its disgusting!! But even with my distaste of these substances, I still did it – all for the sake of fitting in. I was also an atheist at this point. The thought of a God did not even run past my mind for years and I was just in this immensely destructive pattern and was spiraling out of control.

I had this epiphany one day and I literally told everyone who stepped all over me to piss off. I stopped doing all the things I didn’t want to do because I all of a sudden didn’t feel the need to impress anyone anymore. Alhamdulillah, to this day I still believe it was Allah looking out for me. My epiphany was so random - It was in the middle of the day and I just sat there reflecting on all the wrong choices I made. Alhamdulillah, I simply just decided that I didn’t want to make wrong choices anymore and so I stopped!

After my epiphany, I focused on my family. During my “time of rebellion” where I acted out and did all my stupid crap, they were obviously affected by that so I focused on repairing our relationship and making them happy. My parents are very religious. They are roman born again catholics so to make them happy, I would go to the prayer meetings and I’d always come to church. It was actually fun! I loved seeing my parents happy however; I still had that emptiness inside of me. I eventually became an agnostic –  still boarding an atheist though – but Alhamdulilla, the concept of a God was slowly welcomed back into my life through Catholicism. However, I had a big problem with priests because I never liked the concept that I had to confess my sins to a priest and the thought that people think they have the power to forgive people’s sins and make water or bread holy – and that is not to bash Catholicism. I don’t want this post to insult anyone's belief; that is not the intention of this post at all! – im just telling you MY story and the factors which motivated me to question my religion and find Islam.

Fast forward, I found better friends when I went to university and I was exposed to all sorts of knowledge and different viewpoints during the three and a half years I was in university. I remember looking around and seeing that majority of my friends were muslim. We surround ourselves with like-minded people and it was just funny that majority of the people I was surrounded with were muslim.

My curiosity with Islam began when saw a really big inconsistency in the way muslims were portrayed in western media and how they actually were in real life. Western media made them ALL look like extremists and violent individuals who hated “infidels” yet, at the time I wasn’t a muslim and yet my friends and their families welcomed me like I was one of their own. I felt an extremely uncomfortable feeling of dissonance and because Im just a curious individual, I started learning about Islam. I wanted to know what muslims were really like, what they really believed in and what their religion is actually all about. So I looked into their primary source which was the holy Quran. I was astounded by what I discovered. Like I’ve stated before, I like facts, I need factual evidence and the whole concept of following blindly in faith never agreed with me – I never got it. That’s why I was so amazed in learning that the Qur’an is 80% consistent with science and the rest was ambiguous. Science can neither prove nor disprove the other 20% that’s written in the holy Quran. That blew my mind because growing up as a Catholic, I never thought religion and science could ever go hand in hand yet this book proved me wrong. In addition, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) could not even write – he didn’t know how to write yet 14 hundred years ago, he revealed advanced scientific knowledge that was only recently discovered by man long after the prophet’s death. That drove my curiosity to the moon and I knew I was onto something amazing. Mother Mary - who was my biggest role model growing up - was also mentioned in the Qur'an more than any other holy book including the bible! There is an entire Surah dedicated to Mary called "surah al maryam". Jesus (pbuh) is also well loved in Islam and any good muslim cannot even say his name without saying or writing "peace be upon him" after he is mention!

As I learned more and more about Islam, I learned more and more about myself. With each page I turned, I felt more and more at peace. Alhamdulillah, the emptiness inside of me was filled and I was overflowing with happiness. So basically, what convinced me to become a muslim was reading the Quran and learning about what it TRULY means to become a muslim. Allahu Akbar

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